Learn the main types of Core beliefs and Fundamental beliefs. Examples given to illustrate each type of belief – for a total of 85 examples of beliefs. Also find some examples of scenarios describing how beliefs are formed.
Your beliefs shape your reality. Therefore, as you read this article, challenge yourself to become aware of non-beneficial beliefs that you might be holding onto.
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Introduction – Types and Examples of Beliefs
Beliefs are everything we hold in our field as truth. These beliefs are our programming that creates our reality. The issue is that most of us are unaware of a high percentage of our beliefs.
In a previous article about manifesting money, I described ways to identify and upgrade your beliefs. In this article, I will dive deeper into the different types of beliefs. I will also present you examples of beliefs in different categories.
My intention is to help you to identify which beliefs might be holding you back from manifesting the life of your dreams. Self-awareness is empowering. Becoming aware of your non-beneficial beliefs is the first step to make changes to upgrade your life.
What are non-beneficial beliefs?
Every single belief is either beneficial or not. Non-beneficial beliefs limit your potential. It is a good practice to consciously pay attention to your beliefs and question them. Ask yourself:
- Is this belief beneficial or not to me?
- Is this belief supporting me in creating the life that I desire or it is limiting me?
False, counterfeit, limiting and disempowering are different adjectives to describe the nature of the non-beneficial beliefs. Below I will explain how all these adjectives are equally applicable and it is just a matter of preference which adjective to use.
What are false beliefs?
False beliefs are those concepts, perspectives, definitions that we have accepted as truth; however they contradict the Truth of Source.
What are counterfeit beliefs?
Counterfeit beliefs, as the name indicates, are deceiving us. We have accepted them as truth; however they contradict the higher perspective Truth.
The explanation of why they are deceiving can be found in the way the Law of Attraction works: When we believe something to be true, we are broadcasting the frequency of that truth, and the holographic Universe brings opportunities and people that are a match to our truth; then is physically manifested.
The manifestation, in turn, reinforces our acceptance of the small letter truth; therefore deceiving us from the capital letter Truth of no limitations, all allowance, all possibilities, infinite abundance.
What are limiting beliefs?
Limiting beliefs, as the name indicates, these types of beliefs limit our manifestation power. From Source perspective, there are no limits. It is our acceptance of limitations (limiting beliefs) that places barriers to our manifesting everything that we desire.
What are disempowering beliefs?
Disempowering beliefs, as the name indicates, make us feel powerless; and often time even make us feel victims. If you feel in anyway that you are victim of life, other people and circumstances; that is an indication that you have in your system disempowering beliefs.
If you believe you are powerless, the Universe will mirror back to you scenarios and people that will make you feel a victim of life. This is how the Law of Attraction works, it reinforce what you believe and accept as truth – without any opinion or judgment of it.
Conclusion about non-beneficial beliefs
It must be said that the non-beneficial beliefs are simultaneously false, counterfeit, limiting and disempowering. The reason is that from the Truth of Source; lack, limitations and powerlessness are illusions that we have accepted as truth in this 3D physical reality.
The challenge is that most of the non-beneficial beliefs are in our subconscious mind. However there are techniques to enter the subconscious mind and access the information.
Dropping the veils of illusions, while we travel the journey of becoming deliberate creators of our reality is also the journey of awakening to our infinite potential. It is a very exciting journey, and at the same time, it can be frustrating at times when we judge our progress. Changing our limiting and disempowering beliefs (non-beneficial) is essential in this journey.
Let us do our best to enjoy the journey. Let us remember that our expansion is in the journey, not the destination. After all, we did choose, as souls, to come and play in this 3D physical reality.
Examples of non-beneficial beliefs
For illustration purposes we will list some examples of beliefs that are non-beneficial:
- I have to struggle to make a living
- Life is hard
- I keep failing in life
- Success constantly eludes me
- I am a failure
- The Universe does not support me
- God is punishing me
- I can’t make a living doing what I love
- I do not have time to invest in myself
- I am destined to suffer in this life
- People always take advantage of me
- Wealthy people are not spiritual
- Rich people go to hell
- Being poor is a virtue
- In order to succeed in life I have to pretend to be someone that I am not
- My family and friends always abandon me
- I am not lovable
- My body does not cooperate with me
- Wealth corrupts people
- I am not capable of achieving my goals in life
Examples of beneficial beliefs
In contrast to the examples of non-beneficial beliefs listed above, following are the counterpart examples of beneficial beliefs:
- I make a comfortable living with ease
- Life is ease and joy
- I keep succeeding in life. I turn every failure into success.
- Success constantly finds me
- I am successful
- The Universe supports me
- God loves me and accepts me as I am. God supports me
- I can make a comfortable living doing what I love
- I always find time to invest in myself
- I choose to be happy in this life
- I surround myself with people that support me and value me
- Wealthy people can be spiritual
- Rich people can reach high consciousness
- Being wealthy can be congruent with being love
- I can be successful and express freely who I am
- My family and friends always support me
- I am lovable
- My body is my friend
- Wealth facilitates great contributions for the good of humanity and the planet
- I am capable of achieving my goals in life with ease and joy
What are core beliefs? Types and examples of core beliefs
Core beliefs are definitions, understandings and perspectives that we accepted as truth about our individual self, others and the world as it relates to us.
Following, I describe the most common types or systems of core beliefs and I will present to you few examples of each type or system of core beliefs. As you read think about how it relates to you and which beliefs might be applicable to you.
Core beliefs about our capabilities
This type of core beliefs relates to what we have accepted to be truth about our abilities, talents and gifts in the different arenas and possibilities of life. It is the commonly used declarations “I can” or “I can’t”.
Unfortunately, on this planet, most children are taught a long list of “You can’t”, “We can’t” early in life. Therefore, most of us are short-circuited from a large portion of our potential. The limiting teachings are the result of the adults own limiting beliefs. In addition, life experiences and the acceptance of the concept of failure, add to our list of “I can’t”.
Failure and success are human made concepts that stem from the dual nature of our 3D physical reality. From Source perspective; failure and success are illusions (faces of the same coin). Source perspective is that every experience is valuable because it adds to the expansion of the Universe.
For most of us, the only time we made valuable the perceived failures is when we were learning to walk. Our parents cheered us for each step we took, and falling was a valuable part of the learning process, not a failure.
Scan back at your life and search for events where you interpreted, or told by others, that you have failed in some way. Most likely, the event triggered you with one or more toxic emotions; in that case, you uploaded or reinforced beliefs about “I can’t ….”
“If you think you can’t, you are right. If you think you can, you are right”. Henry Ford
The above quote by Henry Ford illustrates the power of belief. The beliefs of “I can’t” are major obstacles to achieving our goals in life.
Examples of core beliefs related to our capabilities
Following are 8 examples of beliefs related to our capability that are beneficial beliefs:
- I can earn more than enough money doing what I love
- I can always learn a new skill
- I can write a best selling book
- I can attract all the resources I need to build my business
- I can heal my body
- I can attract xx number of clients per month.
- I can manifest my soulmate
- I can manifest my dream life
Core beliefs about our deservedness
Deservedness is a state of having earned our right to something. When we believe we do not deserve what we desire to manifest, the vibration of not deserving is broadcasted out. Since the Universe is a mirror, we are always right; in other word, if we believe we do not deserve, we do not get it.
As child we are raised with the stick and carrot mentality, both at home and school. Even when literarily a stick is not used, we are taught the concept of deservedness. If we meet the expectations of the adults we are rewarded or conversely if we do not, we are punished.
As a result, beliefs of not deserving or having to work hard to deserve, are uploaded and/or re-enforced. What beliefs about not deserving something that you desire you can identify?
Deservedness is a man made concept; from the perspective of the Universe, there is no requirements or standards that we must meet, there is nothing that we need to achieve or demonstrate; we simple get a mirror reflection of our vibrational broadcast.
Examples of beliefs of deservedness that are non-beneficial
To illustrate how beliefs of deservedness or lack of deservedness are created, I am describing several scenarios. For each scenario, I am listing examples of beliefs that might be uploaded.
It must be noted that each person is unique with different perspectives and emotional reactions. In other words, for the same scenario, different people will react differently. Therefore, the beliefs that are uploaded will also vary.
First scenario with 7 examples of beliefs : We are in a marriage relationship and we cheat. Our spouse finds out, feels very hurt and betrayed and asks for divorce. Then we feel very guilty of having hurt our spouse and children. In this case we might upload the belief “I do not deserve love”, cemented by the toxic emotion of guilt.
Other examples of beliefs about deservedness – that we might upload in this scenario of cheating are:
- I deserve to be rejected
- I deserve to be punished for what I did
- I deserve to be lonely the rest of my life
- I deserve to die lonely and depressed
- I do not deserve to be in a loving relationship
- I do not deserve my children’s love
- I do not deserve love
Second scenario with 6 examples of beliefs : For decades, we follow a fast food diet, drink and smoke. One day we find out we have cancer. Then we feel immense regret, anger and guilt for having abused our bodies. In that case we might upload the belief “I do not deserve to be healthy”, together with the toxic emotions of regret, anger and guilt.
Other examples of beliefs that we might upload in this scenario that are non-beneficial are:
- I deserve to die early
- I deserve to be in physical pain
- I do not deserve to heal
- I do not deserve to be alive
- I do not deserve physical wellness
- I do not deserve to be healthy
Third scenario with 4 examples of beliefs : If as children, each time we do not meet our parents school grade expectations; we are prevented from playing for the rest of the school term plus our allowance is cut back. Then we feel very angry toward our parents for not allowing us to play and toward ourselves for failing. In that case we might upload non-beneficial beliefs such as:
- I have to work very hard to deserve money
- I have to work very hard to deserve to play
- I have to work very hard to deserve good things from life
- Before I can play and have fun, I have to excel at my career
Beliefs about our Worthiness
Worthiness is a birthright that belongs to us just by virtue of who we are as human and spiritual beings. From the perspective of Universe and Source, each of us is inherently worthy of everything that we desire. We just need to conjure it, imaging it, feel it, broadcast it out and the Universe mirrors it back.
Magic occurs for those that are deliberate creators as masters of the universal Law of Attraction. The issue is that most of us are imprinted in our DNA and through society, culture and life experiences many limiting beliefs (non-beneficial beliefs) – whereby we are accepting being unworthy of love, unworthy of wealth, unworthy of health etc.
Often time, the concept of our own value is very low. Therefore the Universe continues to bring us people and scenarios that validate how we feel about our own value. The Universe is the mirror that is telling us, wake up, if you do not like what you are getting change the quality of your vibration; remember that you are worthy.
The good news is that we do have the choice and the power to upgrade our vibrational frequency and there are tools and teachings to help us in this process.
As children we come into this world depending on our parents for all our needs, both physical and emotional, to be met. Emotionally if we feel that love is lacking or given conditionally; we might upload beliefs of being unworthy of love.
It must be noted that a belief of being unworthy of love – can branch out into beliefs of unworthy of money and wealth.
Due to the concepts of society of competition, comparison and requirements; children get love contingent to their achievements, behaviors, compliance etc. Love is withdrawn based on judgments; consequently, children belief of innate worth is diminished.
Even if you grew up in a household of wonderfully loving parents, most likely, you were still subject to this phenomenon to some extent, because judgment is so embedded in our society.
In addition, unfortunately frequently in our society, children, teenagers and even adults are subject to one or more forms of abuse that deeply imprints false beliefs of Unworthiness along with toxic emotions of shame, guilt, anger, bitterness, self-loathing etc. Fortunately, the Higher Truth that you can choose is:
“You are worthy of manifesting and living the life of your dreams”
The journey to wealth, health, great relationships and happiness in general is the journey of awakening who you really are as magnificent, divine, powerful being. This starts with Self-acceptance, Self-love and Self-worth.
Unworthiness and Shame are blocks to Self-acceptance, Self-Love and Self-Worth. In addition, Unworthiness and Shame cause low self esteem and lack of confidence.
In order to make your dreams come true and manifest your ideal life, it is essential that you belief and know 100 % that you are worthy of the health, wealth, love, freedom, joy and everything you envision in your ideal life. It is also essential that you free yourself from Shame to be able to accept and love yourself.
Healing Unworthiness and Shame that you are holding in your subconscious mind will upgrade your life in all areas.
You are worthy of your dream life, it is time to embody this higher truth.
A very powerful training with meditation and teachings to heal Unworthiness and Shame is offered by my teacher Julius. Check out the content of this life changing course: Healing Unworthiness and Shame.
Examples of beliefs of Unworthiness
First scenario with 5 examples of beliefs : A child is drinking grape juice in a glass and by accident he drops the glass and then the juice spills over the newly bought white sofa. His mother is very tired and stressed out from a long day at work. When she realizes the mess he caused, she scolds him saying “You stupid, how can you screw up with everything” “You are nothing but trouble” “How can you not sit still as your sister” “You ruined completely the new sofa”.
Then he feels very guilty together with anger and regret. In that case, the child might upload non-beneficial beliefs of Unworthiness. Some examples of beliefs are:
- There is something wrong with me
- I am the source of my mother’s troubles; therefore, I am not worthy of love
- I am stupid and therefore I am not worthy of good things in life
- I screw up everything and therefore I am not worthy of anything
- I am less worthy of love than my sister
Second scenario with 5 examples of beliefs: A child who has a rage-alcoholic father and is physically abused. Then the child feels intense fear, plus anger and hate toward his father. Since the child is receiving abuse instead of love, he develops fear of love.
In addition, the child might interpret that there is something inherently very wrong about him and beliefs of Unworthiness are uploaded, such as:
- I am not worthy of love
- I am not good enough to be respected and loved
- I am not good enough to be treated kindly and lovingly
- I am unworthy of being alive
- I am the cause of anger of my father and therefore something is wrong with me
Beliefs about our physical and emotional safety
Since our brains are wired to avoid physical danger and to avoid emotional pain, subconsciously we will sabotage our efforts of getting what we desire. In the case of the examples of beliefs listed below: we will avoid getting rich, we will avoid romantic partners, we will avoid losing weight and we will avoid public speaking.
Examples of core beliefs related to safety
First set of examples of beliefs : We desire to be rich; but we have a generational beliefs that sabotage our desire. Some examples of these beliefs are:
- It is not safe to be rich
- If I have money I will be the target of robbery
- If I am rich, my family will be the target of kidnappers
- If I become rich, I will be the target of envy
Second set of examples of beliefs : We desire to attract a romantic partner; but suffered heart-break earlier in our life and uploaded non-beneficial beliefs such as:
- It is not safe to enter into a romantic relationship
- Love is painful
- It is not safe to fall in love
Third set of examples of beliefs : We desire to lose weight and look attractive; but as teens we suffered sexual abuse and uploaded subconscious beliefs that sabotage our weight loss. Some examples of these beliefs are:
- It is not safe to look attractive
- I need extra padding to protect myself
- I need extra weight to be safe
Forth set of examples of beliefs : We desire to be a public speaker; but as children, the teacher mocked us when we presented in front of the class. This event imprinted us with non-beneficial beliefs such as:
- It is not safe to speak in front of a group of people
- It is not safe to express myself
- It is not safe to speak up
- If I speak in front of a group of people, I will suffer embarrassment
- It is not safe to be authentic
Conclusion about Core Beliefs
You might have noticed that core beliefs can be further sub-categorized as non-beneficial or beneficial. The first segment of this article described the non-beneficial beliefs and explained the different names/synonyms that are used for this type of beliefs.
In order to manifest what you desire, you need to change your core beliefs related to your desire or goal, from non-beneficial to beneficial. In other words, you need to align yourself and stand firmly in the belief that you are capable, you are worthy, you deserve it and it is safe to have what you desire.
What are fundamental beliefs? Types and examples of fundamental beliefs
Fundamental beliefs are definitions, concepts, understandings, and perspectives that we have accepted as truth about life, death and creation.
Types and examples of fundamental beliefs The types or categories of fundamental beliefs circle around three deep questions that we sometimes wonder about when we have the courage to question the perspectives and understandings that we were given by virtue of the society, family, culture and religion we were born in.
Following we list three common questions about these topics and some examples of fundamental beliefs. Please note, the listed examples of beliefs do not cover the complete spectrum of fundamental beliefs on this planet.
Fundamental beliefs about “Who are we as human beings?”
There are multiple beliefs on this subject and the specific belief that you carry is the result of the culture, family and religion you were born in and grew up. However, as each of us has free will, we can choose, whether or not, to change or keep the beliefs we were given. Some examples of beliefs around this fundamental question are:
- We are just our bodies that are born, age and then die. We have only one lifetime to experience life.
- We are light having a physical experience. Our bodies are the temples of our light (our souls). We are individual souls. We have experienced many lifetimes and we will continue to do so.
- We are Source having a physical experience. We are eternal and infinite. We are simultaneously having an individualized experience and at the same time we are ALL. We are all connected souls. We are Oneness.
Fundamental beliefs about “Who is GOD?”
Again what we have accepted as our truth on this subject, it is very much influenced by family, culture and religion we are born in. As you know, there are many variations on this fundamental belief on this planet. It goes from the belief that God is an individual Omnipotent being that created everything, to the belief that each of us is God with the power and freedom to create our reality, and anything in between.
Fundamental beliefs about “What happens after we die?”
The beliefs about this subject vary among cultures and religions. We can list some examples of them, but is far for being a complete list of the diversity of beliefs on this planet:
- We are just our body, once we die the only thing left of us, is our descendants.
- When we die our souls go to heaven, or purgatory or hell.
- When we die, our souls spend some time as light and then re-incarnate
- When we leave behind our physical body here on earth, our souls go to a plane of existence that is a function of the level of consciousness that we have reached. Then, if it chooses, returns to a physical body through the process of re-incarnation.
If you are open to the perspective that souls are eternal and if you are interested in knowing the details of the options that we as souls have each time we leave our physical bodies, I recommend you to get the course of realms between lives (It is a fascinating and expansive teaching).
Questions to reflect on fundamental beliefs
- What are your fundamental beliefs about these existential questions?
- To what degree, do you think your present fundamental beliefs are influenced by the society, culture and religion you grew up in?
- Which of your fundamental beliefs are empowering you?
- Do you hold any fundamental beliefs that are limiting you?
- Do you think your fundamental beliefs are expansive and supporting you in manifesting what you desire?
- Which of your fundamental beliefs are beneficial to you and why?
- Do you think you might have some subconscious fundamental beliefs encoded in your DNA that might be limiting your manifestation power?
- Do you think that your fundamental beliefs might be influencing your core beliefs about capability, worthiness and safety to have what you desire?
Conclusion – Types and examples of beliefs
In this article, we defined and described two (2) main type of beliefs: Core beliefs and Fundamental beliefs. Then we presented to you the main sub-categories of core and fundamental beliefs, as well as multiple examples of beliefs.
We also said that core beliefs are either beneficial or non-beneficial. The same can be said for the fundamental beliefs. The difference is that we are more attached to our fundamental beliefs than to our core beliefs.
Therefore the idea of changing our fundamental beliefs can bring up lot of resistance. In any case changing beliefs is a personal choice and only you can decide which beliefs are beneficial or not to you.
In simple terms, your beliefs create your reality. An explanation of the mechanism of it can be found in this related article, in the section titled : “What are beliefs and how the system of thoughts and beliefs work together?
As a result of the self-validating nature of the Law of Attraction, what you believe to be true is demonstrated to you in physicality. The Universe is a mirror reflecting back to you what you hold as truth (belief), both consciously and subconsciously.
In this way you are always right, your truth (belief) is your reality. This is great if all aspects of your life are already demonstrations of your conscious intentions and desires. This means that your beliefs are supporting you.
On the other side of the coin, if the Universe is mirroring back to you some realities that you do not like. Then, it means you hold beliefs that are dis-aligned or contradict your desires. For example, if you believe “Live is hard”, then the Universe will validate you and bring you more challenges that will reinforce your belief. It is a self-perpetuating and self-validating loop until you take conscious action to change your beliefs.
Closing paragraphs- Types and examples of beliefs
If you are asking “how to change my beliefs”, you might find helpful the information presented in an article about how to manifest money. In this article, there are several sections dedicated to beliefs and how to identify them and upgrade them. The article is focused on money; however, the techniques to identify the non-beneficial beliefs and then upgrade them are the same for all areas of life. Wealth and abundance, it is not only about money, it extends to all aspects of our life.
If you like to learn more about “how life experiences of high emotional intensity creates beliefs”, then check out my personal money story : How beliefs get uploaded to our system?
You might also like to check out Law of Attraction quotes that speak about the role of beliefs in manifestation: Upgrade your beliefs and thoughts
You received both non-beneficial and beneficial beliefs through your DNA, family, culture, religion, media and life experiences. The non-beneficial beliefs are limiting your potential and holding you back from living life in your terms. I hope this information has been helpful to you and it has given you some clues of some of your non-beneficial beliefs.
The great news is that you have the power and freedom to change the beliefs that are not beneficial to you. It is a joyful and exciting process, as you discover more and more of your unlimited potential. Enjoy and have a great journey! You are infinitely worthy of creating the life of your dreams.