These Self worth quotes will inspire you to discover the immense value of who you really are.
Read these Self worth quotes to ignite the awareness of your true worth and true brilliance that is within you.
Enjoy beautiful images, as you read these inspirational and meaningful Self-worth quotes.
What is Self worth?
Self worth is the recognition, acknowledgment and knowing of your own inherent and innate value. Consequently, self esteem and self confidence flow out of self worth.
In other words, Self worth is the remembrance that you are immensely valuable, that you have always have been and always will be.
Therefore, your true Self worth can’t be gained or lost; - it is always present. However complete awareness and recognition of Self worth is lacking for most humans.
“ Self worth can’t be gained or lost. It is always present within you. Recognize and embrace your Self worth” ~Raise frequency
Self worth quotes – Every person’s value… quote by Rumi

In this Self worth quote, Rumi is stating that our value or worthiness is a function of our thoughts about ourselves.
In other words, if you have low self esteem or low self worth, you are holding thoughts of Unworthiness about yourself.
Pay attention to your thoughts about your Worthiness:
- Do you think and feel that you are worthy of having and enjoying everything that you desire?
- Do you value yourself?
- Do you stand in the strength of the knowing of your Worthiness regardless of other people opinions, perspectives and judgements of you?
Some clues that you are still holding onto some Unworthiness are:
- You compare yourself with others and feel less than others
- Sometimes you feel shame of who you are and/or shame of things done or not done
- You seek validation or recognition from others
- You over-give or sacrifice yourself in an attempt to feel more worthy
- Your life goals elude you because you have doubts of being worthy of them
If any of the above statements apply to you, you will greatly benefit from the course titled: Healing Shame and Unworthiness
Check out the description of the content of this life changing course from my teacher Julius: Healing Shame and Unworthiness
Self worth quotes – What a man thinks … quote by H. D. Thoreau

What you think of yourself is directly correlated to your Beliefs about your Worthiness and Self worth.
On the other hand, what you think of yourself determines your fate, as H. D. Thoreau said in this Self worth quote.
Therefore it is immensely important that you think of yourself very highly. In other words that you value yourself, no matter what. In order to do that you need to Heal Shame and Unworthiness.
“You do not need to demonstrate your Self-Worth. It belongs to you embrace it.” ~Raise frequency
Self worth quotes – The real treasure is Yourself quote by Rumi

This is a beautiful and inspirational quote about Self worth. Read this quote, each time you feel not good enough in any way, shape or form.
Remind yourself that the real treasure is You. The real treasure is not outside of yourself, it is within.
Your authentic self is the real treasure. Aligning yourself with your authentic self is a main component for happiness and fulfilment.
You might be asking: How to align myself with my authentic self?
A great teaching with applications and techniques to align yourself with your authentic self and guidance to express your authenticity is the course titled: Steps to Refine Your Authenticity
Self worth quotes – It is Your Light… quote by Rumi

This short inspirational quote by Rumi is a self worth booster. It reminds you that you are a magnificent light being.
Your true essence of light and love radiates out from your heart and lights the worlds.
Read this Self worth quote frequently and feel into the magnificence of your light. Imagine golden light radiating out from your heart enveloping all your body, all earth and beyond.
“To recognize your Self-worth remember that you are a magnificent light having a physical experience” ~Raise frequency
Self worth quotes – Shine like… quote by Rumi

Shine like the whole universe is yours, because is yours. From the human perspective this sounds like unrealistic words.
However, from your higher-self perspective of Oneness, you know that you are an individualized expression of source and at the same time you are the entire Universe.
Therefore, use this self worth quote to help you to raise your worthiness.
If you accept that the whole universe is yours, it is not possible to have any type of performance anxiety or any low self-esteem or lack of confidence.
If you want to learn about what and who you really are, download an amazing Free course called Your Empowerment.
To understand what and who you really are is not only Empowering but also helps you understand your innate Self worth. Get your valuable Free course at: Your Empowerment
“You are an individualized expression of Source and at the same time, You are the Oneness of Source” ~Raise frequency
Self worth quotes – Because one is… quote by Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu, in this self worth quote, is inspiring you to realize your innate worthiness that is independent of any achievements. Therefore Self worth is the antidote to all types of performance anxiety.
When you do that, you are content with yourself and you do not need external validations of your worth. You just feel it from your inner core.
When you know your self worth, you radiate out self esteem and self confidence. As you emanate the frequency of worthiness, per Law of Attraction, you will attract people that will acknowledge your self worth.
In addition, when you know your innate self-worth, you feel worthy of having all your wants and desires. Beliefs of unworthiness, wether conscious or subconscious, are one of the blockers of manifestation.
If you desire to manifest money, manifest soulmate, manifest slim body, first you need to feel worthy of whatever you desire.
Self worth quotes – You were born… quote by Rumi

Rumi in this very short inspirational quote is reminding you of your innate self worth.
Your magnificence, your greatness and your worthiness are inherent of you. There are qualities of your inner core that are present regardless of your looks or any doings.
Your great qualities are just waiting to be accepted and embraced by you. They might be covered by distortions of Shame and Unworthiness of your altered ego. They are waiting to be uncovered and allowed to shine through.
If you like a resource to help you with the remembrance of who you truly are, check out the description of the course titled: Reprogram The Altered Ego.
This is a profound course that includes a 108 day program of taming the altered ego mind. Check out the description of the content at: Reprogram The Altered Ego
“The barrier between you and your Self Worth is your Altered Ego” ~Raise frequency
Self worth quotes – You are the entire ocean … quote by Rumi

Each time you feel any low self worth or smallness, read this inspirational self-worth quote.
It is a great self worth quote to use it as a mantra. Look into your eyes in a mirror and affirm to yourself: “You are the entire ocean in a drop”
This is not just a short inspiring quote - it is pure truth. You are simultaneously an individualized person and at the same time you are the infinite All of Source.
Inside of you there is an energetic quantum that contains the Infiniteness of Source. In the highest truth you are more than the ocean, you are the Oneness, vastness and eternalness of Source.
“The path to fully embrace Self Worth is the knowing of Oneness” ~Raise frequency
Self worth quotes – It is too bad… quote by Rumi

In this short quote, Rumi is taking about low self worth. Wanting to be someone else is a sign of low self worth. It is the results of types of beliefs that are false.
Nobody is superior or better than you; see your own beauty. Recognize and embrace the beauty of your uniqueness.
Following is the complete set of self worth quotes by Rumi to encourage you to see your beauty:
It's too bad that you want to be someone elseYou don't see your own face, your own beautyYet, no face is more beautiful than yours ~Rumi
“Self-worth is to be content to be your authentic self” ~Raise frequency
Self worth quotes – When you are… quote by Lao Tzu

Comparison and competition is the root of low self-worth; therefore low self-esteem.
Unfortunately many parents believe in comparison and competition. Unfortunately our educational systems are based on comparison and competition.
Our present society beliefs in competition and comparison are based on disempowering beliefs of lack. These types of beliefs are fear based and are the root of low self esteem, performance anxiety and lack of confidence.
Lao Tzu, in this Self worth quote, is remind you of the benefits of building your self esteem. In other words, he is encouraging you to be content with yourself and letting go of comparison and competition.
When you let go of Unworthiness and you raise your self-esteem and self-love, per Law of Attraction, others will mirror back to you more respect and true love. “Everyone will respect you”, as Lao Tzu is saying in this empowering quote.
“Human addiction to comparison and competition is the root of Unworthiness” ~Raise frequency
Self worth quotes – If you want to improve … quote by Epictetus

Self worth allows you to stay centred in the knowing of your worth even in the midst of severe judgement by others.
Epictetus, in this Self worth quote, is inspiring you to be happy for who you are even if others think you are foolish and stupid.
In fact, the definition of genius is to think outside the box. However, when you think outside the box, many people will think you are foolish. In that case, take it as a sign of your genius creativity and stay centred in your Self worth.
The expression of your genius creativity is the expression of your authentic self. To allow it, you need to embrace the knowing of your Self worth. It is fulfilling and empowering.
An amazing course to help you unleash your creativity and recognize your extraordinary self is titled: Unleashing Your Creative Flow
“Genius ideas are often labelled as foolish ideas” ~Raise frequency
Self worth quotes – Why are you so enchanted … quote by Rumi

The message of this Self worth quote by Rumi is that within you there is immense value of creativity and information that you can tap into.
In other words, Rumi is inspiring you to acknowledge your innate Self worth and stop seeking external validation.
Rumi is prompting you to make time for inner exploration of the treasures within, - away from the distractions of the external world.
To explore your inner world, spend some time in silence doing self-awareness practices such as meditation and journaling.
If you are not sure what to journal about, you can start with the list in the article of deep questions. You can also get inspiration from the examples of journaling prompts.
Become conscious and familiar with your thoughts and emotions that generate your vibrational frequencies. Become familiar with the treasure of the music of your soul.
The vibrational frequencies generated from within create your external world. To be aware of it, - is empowering. It is the basis of conscious manifestation.
Self worth quotes – Must you value… quote by Lao Tzu

We, as human beings, have the tendency to value what others value and avoid what others avoid. An example is fashion: Have you ever bought clothes or accessories just because they were in fashion? You don’t really like them, but…
Lao Tzu, in this Self worth quote, is saying that following others is ridiculous. Why is he saying that? After all, we want to fit in and to be accepted? Don’t we?
The reason is that following others to fit in, most of the time, is at the expense of our creativity, uniqueness and authenticity.
When we follow others just to fit in and be accepted, is a sign of Low Self worth. We believe that others are superior in some way. We have beliefs of not being good enough.
If you at any time find yourself following others at the expense of your uniqueness or authenticity, remember this Lao Tzu Self worth quote.
Then decide to express your magnificent uniqueness without concern of what others say or think.
“You are immensely and equally valuable to any other being in the Universe in your unique expression of who you are.” ~Raise frequency
Self worth quotes – We are starts … quote by Rumi

Rumi, in this Self worth quote, is using the word Star to remind you of your true nature of being light.
In order to fully know your Self worth, you need to go beyond the identification of your present physical body, your gender, your career and the role you are playing in this physical life-time.
For sustained happiness and fulfilment, you need to get in touch with the awareness of the light that is within you, in other words your magnificent soul.
Self worth quotes – You are fearless … quote by Rumi

This Self worth quote by Rumi is reminding you of who you really are. In your true essence of the root of your soul, you are Fearless Divine Light.
In your human journey you had experiences that fractured your field. Consequently you lost your knowing of being Fearless Divine Light.
The good news is that you can recover your knowing of being Fearless. An extraordinary resource to help you to do that is the program called Repairing Core Fractures.
This program includes personalized frequency codes that immensely facilitates becoming your fearless authentic self.
If you would like to turn on your strengths and your authentic power, check out the description of this powerful program at: Repairing Core Fractures
“Lack of Self Worth is the result of forgetfulness of who you really are” ~Raise frequency
Self worth quotes – When you know … quote

When you first decided to take the challenging and exciting journey of a physical experience, you knew Oneness.
You descended yourself from dancing as light or angel to the density of physicality. At some point you forgot your Oneness and bought into the perception and perspective of separation and lack.
Physicality has given you the illusion of separation and lack, which resulted in comparison and competition.
The perspectives of inferiority versus superiority created Unworthiness and low self esteem. It is the result of the illusion of separation.
As you raise your frequency and progress in your conscious journey, you will remember your connection to all. At some point you will know being Oneness.
Consequently you will know and value yourself and every other being as Source. In that knowing there is no room for inferiority or superiority; therefore all your Unworthiness falls away.