Discover the meaning of these 54 Short Inspirational Quotes on a variety of key topics: Life Challenges, Courage, Authenticity, Taking Action, Life, Wants, Gratitude, Perspective and Present Moment.
Enjoy the beautiful images and be inspired by the wisdom of the teachings of these Short Inspirational Quotes carefully selected for you.
Short Inspirational Quotes on Life Challenges
If you are experiencing Life Challenges may you find inspiration and strength through these short inspirational quotes.
Life Challenges quotes – Darkness is… quote by Rumi

Rumi is teaching us through this short inspirational quote that there is light in darkness.
In other words when we heal the wounds of painful life challenges – our light shines through even brighter. We grow and gain wisdom through painful life challenges.
You might have heard some people narrating their “dark night of the soul” life challenges. They often describe the lessons and wisdom they gained.
You might be asking: How to heal deep wounds? How to heal the unhealable?
A powerful course that answers these questions and provides practical guidelines to go from pain to empowerment is titled Healing the Unhealable.
Check out the description of this life-changing course at: Healing the Unhealable
Life Challenges quotes – If we are irritated… quote by Rumi

In this Life Challenges quote, Rumi is using the world rub as a metaphor for life challenges.
Rumi is encouraging us not to be irritated by life challenges but rather walk through them and gain wisdom.
Life Challenges quotes – If all you can do… quote by Rumi

Rumi in this short inspirational quote is encouraging us to be pro-active. He is encouraging us to take whatever small step we can - to solve our life challenges.
In other words, do not get overwhelmed by the magnitude of your life challenges, take it one step at a time.
For example, if you are heartbroken, crawl out of your pain step by step. Seek out guidance and resources to help you to do that.
You might find useful the guidance in the article at: What to do when heartbroken.
Life Challenges quotes – What hurts You… quote by Rumi

In this short inspirational quote, Rumi is reminding us that within the pain of life challenges that hurt us – there is a blessing.
This does not mean to stay stuck in life challenges that are hurtful. On the contrary, the sooner that we can find the blessing in them, the sooner we can expand through them and move on.
Finding the blessing in life challenges that are hurtful requires that we have forgiven everybody involved.
If you have been hurt and feel any sorrow, you might also find inspirational Rumi quotes on Tears.
Life Challenges quotes – Surrender quote by Rumi

This is a short inspirational quote that is helpful to remember during life challenges.
Surrender in this context does not mean to give up. It means to let go of resistance and accept without judgment what is going on.
The reason is that what you resist persist. When you surrender to what is, - you stop feeding energy to it and it dissolves.
Avoiding resistance is one of the life challenges that many us do not seem to be able to do. Our human altered ego nature is to resist, judged and react.
Unfortunately resistance keep us recreating what we do not want.
If you like to learn to let go of resistance and be in the flow of life with ease, check out the description of an amazing course titled: Avoiding Resistance In Your Changing World
Life Challenges quotes – Know that one day… quote by Rumi

The most difficult life challenges are those that cause emotional pain. Why is Rumi telling you, in this life challenge quote, that pain will become your cure?
The reason is that allowing and feeling the painful emotions is the way to walk through and beyond them.
Unfortunately society has taught us to suppress painful emotions instead of release them. Then by Law of Attraction we keep attracting people and events to help us trigger those stored painful emotions.
If you have been suppressing your emotions, a great resource to learn how to process your emotions and enjoy the process is the course titled: Feeling your emotions safely.
Life Challenges Quotes - To live is ...quote by F. Nietzsche

We, as humans, are courageous beings for having chosen to experience physicality.
The reason is that we chose to experience the duality or contrast of physicality.
At some level, we chose to go through suffering to experience the contrast with joy. We chose painful life challenges to learn, grow and expand through them. It is the process of remembering our power.
F. Nietzsche quote is inspiring us to find meaning in the painful life challenges to move through and out of them.
The issue is that many of us got stock in the pain of life challenges. Some deep wounds appear to be Unhealable.
If that is your case, a powerful resource to learn to heal deep wounds and move from pain to empowerment, is the course titled Healing the Unhealable.
Check out the description of this amazingly life changing course at: Healing the Unhealable.
Life Challenges Quotes - He who has ... quote by F. Nietzsche

Life challenges are circumstances (the how) that stretch our comfort zone. If we can remember that every life challenge helps us to learn and grow, then we have the “why” that Nietzsche is taking about in his life challenges quote.
If you like some guidance on knowing your why, check out post: Know Your Why - I feel is the answer.
Life Challenges Quotes - Painful endings quote by Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu, in this short inspirational quote, is remind us to that life challenges with painful endings opens the door to new beginnings. Some examples are:
- A divorce is an opportunity for a new relationship
- The loss of a job is an opportunity for a new more fulfilling career
In order to make the best out of the new beginnings is important to let go of regrets, anger and any other toxic emotions of the painful experiences we ended.
If we do not clear the toxic emotions, then we carry forward the emotional baggage to our new life. Consequently, the experiences of our new life will be similar to the previous painful ones.
If you experienced a painful ending and would like a new happier life, then you would greatly benefit from Clearing all Toxic Emotions. Get rid of toxic negative baggage from the past and walk happily to your new life.
A great resource to do that is the program called The Antidote. You receive your own personalized Antidote Codes that are unique to you.
Short Inspirational Quotes on Courage
Even if you do not believe yourself to be courageous, you are a courageous being at your essence.
The fact that you chose to experience physicality - is an evidence that you are courageous. However, you might have forgotten your courage because of fears of your altered ego.
May these Short Inspirational quotes on Courage help you awaken some remembrance of your true courageous nature.
Courage quotes – True Courage quote by John Petit-Senn

John Petit-Senn in this short quote is inspiring us to rise higher through courage.
He is defining true courage as the quality that allow us to rise above life challenges while we learn and grow.
Feeding courage as we learn, grow and expand leads to fulfilment and happiness. We can feed courage on a daily basis to find the fulfilment that we are longing for.
If you like to learn how to feed courage daily, check out the description of the high-wisdom course titled: Feeding Courage
Courage quotes – The secret to freedom is courage quote by Thucydides

In this short inspirational quote, Thucydides is inspiring us to feed courage as the path to freedom.
You might be asking: Why courage is needed to reach freedom?
The shackles that keep us away from freedom are in our own mind. To free ourselves from those shackles we need to practice courage on a consistent basis by:
- Having the courage to feel and allow our emotions, including painful emotions
- Exercising courage to challenge our non-beneficial beliefs, perceptions and perspectives
- Questioning our limiting beliefs through courage
- Embodying courage to face and question fears of our altered ego
"The secret to happiness is freedom… And the secret to freedom is courage" ~Thucydides
Courage quotes – Courage quote by Plato

Plato, in this short inspirational quote on courage is reminding us to question our fears.
Therefore, a good practice each time we feel fear is to ask ourselves: What is the worst possible outcome? This questioning help us to manage our fears by realizing that even the worst scenario is not life threating.
However, to stop reacting with fear to non-life threating circumstances we need to reprogram our altered ego.
Most of our fears are subconscious programs formed many generations ago that are no longer applicable.
Our altered ego operates based on these fear based subconscious programs that limits our life enormously.
If you like to free yourself from the fear based programs of your altered ego to thrive in life, check out the description of a profound course titled: Reprogram The Altered Ego
Courage quotes – Without courage quote by Aristotle

Aristotle, in his courage quote, is saying that to take action in the direction of your goals in life, courage is needed.
Through this short inspirational quote, Aristotle is inspiring you to exercise your courage to allow you to persevere with your goals even when life challenges show up.
Courage quotes – Lack of courage quote by Confucius

This short inspirational quote is about having the courage to follow the desires of our hearts. It is about exercising courage to do what feels right for us.
The other aspect of doing what feels right is to express our authentic self by words and actions. To express our authentic self takes self-awareness, self-love, self-esteem, confidence and courage.
Short Inspirational quotes about Authenticity
Society requirements, often time, work against the expression of our authentic self. However it is key to happiness and fulfilment.
May you find, through these short inspirational quotes on Authenticity, some inspiration to work on expressing the beauty and uniqueness of your authentic self.
Authenticity quotes – Appear as You are quote by Rumi

Rumi, in this short quote is inspiring us to be authentic. He is encouraging to let go of the mask that society has taught we should wear to fit in.
Authenticity is key for happiness and fulfilment. However, many of us do not know how to access our authentic self and refine our authenticity.
If that is your case, you would greatly benefit from the teachings of Julius offered in a course titled: Steps to Refine Your Authenticity
Check out the description of the content of this insightful course at: Steps to Refine Your Authenticity
Authenticity quotes – If you want love… quote by Rumi

If you are repressing the expression of your authenticity, you are hiding from your true self. In other words you do not love yourself completely.
Per Law of Attraction for love, you need to love yourself to attract love from others. Therefore, if you want love express your authenticity as Rumi said in this short inspirational quote.
If you like more inspirational quotes on Love, check out: Rumi quotes on Love
Authenticity quotes – Be content… quote by M. Aurelius

This short inspirational quote is about loving yourself and accepting yourself for who you really are.
Your authenticity is the expression of who you really are and it is an essential component for your happiness and fulfilment.
Therefore, as Marcus Aurelius said in this authenticity quote, be content to be seen as you really are.
The major blocks to accept ourselves and joyfully love and express our authentic self is Shame and Unworthiness.
When you heal Shame and Unworthiness, it is like the doors of heaven open up. You finally recognize the beauty and gifts of your true authentic self. It is liberating.
If you have any degree of Shame and/or Unworthiness, you would immensely benefit from the exercises, practices and teachings of Julius’s course titled: Healing Shame and Unworthiness
Check out the description of this life-changing course at: Healing Shame and Unworthiness
Short Inspirational quotes on Taking Action
May these Short Inspirational quotes inspire you to take action that are aligned with the expression of your authentic self.
Taking Action quotes - Lovely days quote by Rumi

Rumi, in this taking action quote, is inspiring you to be proactive in designing lovely days.
Taking action, not only refers to physical action, but also includes being proactive in consciously choosing thoughts that help you to feel happier.
Create lovely days by proactively doing activities and choosing thoughts that lift up your mood.
Taking Action quotes - Do not do it quote by Marcus Aurelius

This very short quote by Marcus Aurelius is about not taking action when it does not feel right to you.
When making decisions about which actions to take, feel into your heart and allow your authentic self to guide you. Many of us do not know how to do that because we do not know ourselves.
A great resource to learn to know yourself and take actions that will bring you fulfilment is the course titled: Knowing Yourself Through Performance
Check out the description of this incredible course at: Knowing Yourself Through Performance
Taking Action quotes - Action quote by Gandhi

This short inspirational quote is about reverse engineering our priorities by reflecting on our actions.
To do that, use a journal and make a list of the actions or activities you usually do.
Then, for each action, ask yourself the following deep questions:
- What priorities drive this action?
- Why are these priorities important to me?
- What are these priorities based on?
- Are these priorities based on “have to” or “love to”?
- What types of beliefs are driven these priorities?
- Are these priorities driving me to actions that bring me joy, peace, happiness and fulfilment?
- How can I upgrade my priorities and therefore my actions to align with more joy, peace, happiness and fulfilment?
Taking Action quotes - As you start ... quote by Rumi

This short inspirational quote by Rumi is reminding you to start taking action and the subsequent steps will show up.
It is a quote about taking action and trusting that life supports you.
This is very applicable to inspired action. In other words action driven by your heart desires.
Rumi through this short quote is encouraging you to move toward your goals in life step by step. You do not need to know the details of the entire path. You only need to come up with the next step that moves you closer to your dreams.
Each day or at least one a week, ask yourself: What actions can I take that can help me to move closer to my life dreams?
Daily baby steps sum up. Keep a journal and as you look back to your life few years from now, you will be amazed of your progress.
Short Inspirational quotes about Life
May these Short Life quotes inspire you to live in peace, joy, love and harmony.
Short Life quotes – There is Life quote by Gandhi

Through this short inspirational quote, Gandhi is prompting us to live in love in order to feed our life force.
Our bodies are life forms that thrive in love-based emotions. Love is the energy of creation as well as the energy that sustains life.
In order to live in love, choose thoughts that make you feel love based emotions such as peace, gratitude, joy and harmony.
If you like to learn about how to get your body to thrive in wellness and vitality, check out the description of this fascinating and unique course titled: Healing Yourself through the Power of Thought
Short Life quotes - Our Life quote by Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius is taking about the manifestation process. Each thought we have, triggers an emotion that creates a vibrational frequency that we radiate out through our auras.
Then we attract people and circumstances that are a vibrational match. In other words, if you consistently have thoughts that trigger joy, then you attract events in your life that are joyful.
Marcus Aurelius, through this short inspirational quote, is encouraging us to be aware of our thoughts because they create our life.
The challenge is that most of us have subconscious imprints of fear and worry that trigger non-beneficial thoughts that sabotage our manifestations. In other words, we keep manifesting more unwanted circumstances.
A powerful resource to get past the sabotaging subconscious imprints of fear and worry is a course titled: Manifest Pure Thought
If you like to learn to master your manifestation process, check out the description of the content of this advanced course at: Manifest Pure Thought
Short Life quotes – My life quote by Gandhi

Gandhi life is an example of the extraordinary goals that can be achieved through love and peace.
His life is a message of courage, true love and demonstrating the belief that anything is possible.
In this short inspirational quote, he is encouraging us to inspire others by modeling the power of love.
Short Life quotes – Live as if… quote by Gandhi

Gandhi, through this short inspirational quote, is prompting us to savour each day, as if were the last day.
If we follow Gandhi advise, we let go of worries about the future and focus on the gifts that physical reality provides. We would spend our day having experiences that are important to us. We would live in the moment of Now.
Short Life quotes – It is better… quote by Buddha

To travel well is a metaphor for living life well. Through this short inspirational quote, Buddha is prompting us not to postpone happiness.
Many of us have a long list of goals that we think we must achieve before allowing ourselves to be happy. That is a trap of the altered ego.
Enjoy your life everyday. Do your best to feel happiness everyday regardless of your circumstances.
Focus on the blessings you already receiving and not on the lack. Choose thoughts that make you feel happy. Engage in activities that you love to uplift your mood.
If you find that is very difficult to bring yourself to states of happiness, then you have stored toxic emotions.
In that case, you would greatly benefit from Clearing your Toxic Emotions. To do that, there is a powerful program called The Antidote that I use.
It comes with personalized frequency Antidote codes. You can check out the description of this life-changing program at: The Antidote
Short Life quotes – Each day… quote by M. Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius, in this short inspirational quote about life, is prompting us to find the gifts in every day of our life.
Some days can be very challenging to find the gifts. However there are always gifts if we look for them.
Short Life quotes – Dare to live… quote by R.W. Emerson

In this short inspirational quote, Ralph Waldo Emerson is encouraging us to dare to live our dream life. However, most people do not know how to make it happen because of non-beneficial subconscious imprints.
A powerful Free resource to help you to make your dreams a reality is a 3 Part Class titled: Make Your Vision Your Life
Check out the description of this wonderful Free 3 Part Class at: Make Your Vision Your Life
Short Inspirational quotes about Wants
May you find these short inspirational quotes helpful on aligning your wants with the true desires of your heart.
Wants quotes – What you Want quote by Rumi

Rumi, in this wants quote, is advising us to question our wants. Make sure your wants are void of energies of lack.
The issue with wanting is that generally it carries a vibrational frequency of not having. The Universe receives the message of our not having. Then, by Law of Attraction, it sends back circumstances that mirror back our not having.
Can you want from a place of feeling as if you already have it? That is a challenge and that is the secret of the Law of Attraction.
Wants quotes – Your heart knows… quote by Rumi

Rumi, in this short quote, is inspiring you to follow the guidance of your heart. The wants or desires of your heart are love based and they will bring you fulfilment.
You might ask: How do I follow the guidance of my heart?
To be able to follow the guidance of your heart you need to know yourself. To help you to do that you can check out the article titled Know thyself. Why self-awareness is important and how to increase it?
To know yourself, you would benefit if you spend more time with yourself. Schedule silence time and do some self- reflection through self-questioning and journaling.
In addition, you might find inspiration to get on your journey of self-awareness through Rumi quotes on Self awareness.
Wants quotes – Whatever You Want quote by Rumi

This is not only a wants quote but also an empowerment quote. Rumi is saying that you have the power and freedom to create whatever you desire.
Therefore, whatever you want, ask it of yourself. Rumi is taking about the manifestation process through the Law of Attraction.
You have the power to manifest what you desire, if you know how. To learn to become masterful in the application of Law of Attraction, you can check out the following articles:
- If you want money, check out how to manifest money.
- If you want love, check out Law of Attraction love.
- If you want to lose weight, check out Law of Attraction weight loss.
Wants quotes – What you seek… quote by Rumi

This is a short inspirational quote that has the same meaning as the following longer version of this wants quote by Rumi:
“I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me.” ~Rumi
Rumi in both of these wants quotes is taking about the Law of Attraction. We express our wants (what we seek) through the vibrational frequency that we radiate.
Then the Universe send us back people and circumstances that match the vibrational frequency that we sent out.
Wants quotes – In every real… quote by F. Nietzsche

F. Nietzsche, in this short quote, is inspiring you to play. He is encouraging you to remember that the nature of your soul is playfulness.
Your soul loves newness and adventures. Try out new and fun activities that you love to do. Engage in activities that you used to love as a child
Wants quotes – If You Want quote by Dalai Lama

As long as we hold onto toxic emotions, we can’t be happy. Compassion is one of the steps of clearing toxic emotions and therefore key to happiness. Practice compassion toward self and others.
Practicing compassion toward self is self-love. Next time, you feel any self-directed toxic emotion such as regret, guilt or shame, practice self-compassion.
If you are challenged to feel compassion toward self and others and go beyond forgiveness, you would greatly benefit using the program called The Antidote.
This program comes with a Personalized Antidote Codes that greatly facilitates the process of Clearing Toxic Emotions.
Check out the details of this life-changing happiness program at: The Antidote
Wants quotes – What you do not want quote by Confucius

Another way of wording this wants quote is: Want for others what you want for yourself.
For example, if you want happiness, joy, peace, harmony, financial abundance and perfect health for yourself. Then wish and intend the same for the entire world.
Imagine and intend that all humanity is living in perfect harmony, peace, joy, vibrant physical wellness and abundance.
The practice of intention and visualization of abundance and wellness for all opens the floodgates for your own abundance and wellness. It is a supercharger of the manifestation process.
Wants quotes – If you want quote by Leo Tolstoy

This wants quote by Lao Tzu has the same meaning as the following quote by Gandhi: “Be the change, you want to see in the world”
Both of these giants of history are teaching us that when we work on ourselves to raise our frequency and our consciousness, - we send out a beneficial ripple effect to the world.
Therefore if you want to see understanding, kindness, peace and harmony in all humanity, - then work on consistently embodying these love based qualities.
When you work on yourself to awaken and elevate your consciousness, you become an inspiration to others. In addition, you contribute to elevate social consciousness.
Your individual True Love contribution is very significant. The reason is that the Frequency of Love is exponentially higher and more powerful than the frequency of fears and judgments.
Short Inspirational quotes of Thanks, Thankfulness and Gratitude
Explore the benefits of embodying the vibrational frequency of gratitude through these Short Inspirational quotes of Thanks.
Thanks quote – Thank you quote by Rumi

Rumi in this short quote is inspiring us to make our prayers a practice of gratitude.
The reason is that the feeling of thankfulness carries a vibrational frequency of abundance. Then, by Law of Attraction, the Universe brings you more people and things to be thankful for.
Thanks quotes - The thankful quote by William Blake

In this thankfulness quote, W. Blake is taking about the power of gratitude. If you are able to feel thankfulness for what you already have, your manifestations will mirror back to you more and more abundance to be grateful for. This applies to all areas of your life.
All self-development and spiritual teachings talk about the power of gratitude. However, I believe that the most advance teaching on the power of gratitude is by Julius.
In the course titled “Live more, Stress less in Gratitude”, Julius reveals the full depth of gratitude. They teach us in great depth, how to harness the Power of Gratitude.
Check out the description of this empowering course at: Live more, Stress less in Gratitude
Thanks quotes - Gratitude quote by Marcus T. Cicero

What is the meaning of this short quote about gratitude? I believe he is taking about learning from painful events of our life and being grateful for the lessons.
Thanks quotes - I am grateful quote by H. D. Thoreau

This short gratitude quote is inspiring you to feel appreciation and gratitude for who you are and what you have.
Unfortunately a common belief of society is that: In order to learn and grow, we have to judge ourselves and be hard on ourselves. This is a false belief that is not aligned with True Love of self.
To Love Yourself - be content and thankful for who you are. Include in your gratitude journal a few phrases of acknowledgment and gratitude toward yourself.
In addition for being grateful for who you are, be grateful for what you have. For more details about how to do that, go to the description of the following Law of Attraction techniques :
Thanks quotes - My thanksgiving quote by H.D. Thoreau

In this very short inspirational quote on thankfulness, H. D. Thoreau is encouraging us to be in perpetual gratitude.
You might be asking: How can I be in perpetual gratitude with all my life challenges?
I understand that if you are facing difficult life challenges, it is not easy to consistently feel gratitude. In that case do the following:
- Stop several times during the day, take a few conscious breaths and focus on things to be grateful for. For example: A beautiful plant, flower or tree, your pet, Sunshine, beautiful sky etc.
- Write in your gratitude journaling, before going to bed, everything you can think of to be thankful for.
- With one hand on your heart, read one by one, your gratitude list and feel it.
- Challenge yourself to have an optimistic perspective even about the difficult life challenges.
The more you practice gratitude the easier it becomes to consistently feel gratitude. In addition, per Law of Attraction, the Universe will match your frequencies of gratitude with wonderful people and opportunities to be grateful for.
Short Inspirational quotes on Perspective
Discover your power to choose optimistic Perspectives through the wisdom of these Short Inspirational quotes.
Perspective quotes – It is not what you hear… quote by Rumi

In this short inspirational quote, Rumi is telling us that what really matters are not the exact words but how you hear it.
This is also a perception quote and a perspective quote because what you hear is your perception and how you hear it is your perspective.
The “how you hear it” or perspective is a function of the subconscious programs of your mind that process the words and interpret them.
Perspective quotes – Everything we see is a perspective quote by M. Aurelius

In this perspective quote, Marcus Aurelius is expressing that our realities are created by our perspectives.
Our realities is the result of the perspectives or interpretations that our minds assign to the inputs from our senses.
The colouring of our sensory inputs or perceptions - is a function of the programs of our mind.
Since the programs of our mind differ from one person to another: Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
In addition, your perspective generates a vibrational frequency that attracts people and circumstances that are a match.
In other words, this short inspirational quote is encouraging you to master your perspectives to consciously create your reality.
You have the power to create your own reality. If you like to learn more about this empowering subject, check out the description of the content of the course titled: Do You Have Your Own Reality?
Perspective quotes – Everything we hear… quote by M. Aurelius

Everything we hear is an opinion based on a perspective influenced by subconscious mind programs.
Perspectives differ from one person to another. Therefore, when there is a big difference in perspectives, conflict can arise.
This short quote is inspiring us to be more open-minded about diversity of opinions and perspectives. It is inspiring us to let go of the need to be right.
Perspective quotes – There is no facts… quote by F. Nietzsche

F. Nietzsche perspective quote builds on the above quote by M. Aurelius. They both are telling us that there are no facts, only opinions based on perspectives.
You might be asking: If there is no facts, what is truth? And How do I know what is true for me?
An advance teaching that will answer your questions is the course titled: How to tell if something is true?
This course will help you expand the understanding of yourself and others and therefore it will help you improve your relationships.
Check out the description of the content of the course at: How To Tell If Something Is True?
Perspective quotes – Life is opinion quote by M. Aurelius

This quote by Marcus Aurelius is simultaneously a perspective quote and a change quote.
M. Aurelius, in this short quote, is saying that the Nature of the Universe and our world is change.
He is also saying that Life is opinion based on our perspectives. Therefore, in this short inspirational quote, he is inspiring us to navigate the changes of our world with an optimistic perspective.
You might be asking: How to stay optimistic and be in the flow of changes without resisting change? How to overcome fear of change?
A great resources that give you valuable guidance on how to overcome resistance and fear of change, is the course titled: Avoiding Resistance in Your Changing World
Perspective quotes – It is not what… quote by H.D. Thoreau

This short quote by H. D. Thoreau is about perception. We can change it to a perspective quote just by replacing the second what by how: “It is not what you look at that matters, it is how you see”
Perception is what you see. For example a colorblind person has a different perception of colors than most of us.
Perspective is how you see. It is the interpretation or opinion you form about a sensory input. For example: This painting is beautiful.
This short quote inspires us to have the understanding that perceptions and perspectives are subjective. Therefore it inspires us:
- To be open minded to other people perceptions and perspectives avoiding conflict over differences
- Question our own perceptions and perspectives
- To exercise our power to choose perspectives that are uplifting
Perspective quotes – Find the flavor… quote by Lao Tzu

Perspective is about how you process your sensory inputs. Add flavor to your life by paying attention to the pallet of your sensory inputs.
Find the subtle flavors with curiosity. Challenge yourself to have the perspective that even the seemingly dull and flavorless experiences have fascinating depths for you to explore.
Short Inspirational quotes about Now
The following short inspirational quotes about Now will inspire to Live more in the present moment.
Now quotes – Now quote by Rumi

Rumi in this short inspirational quote is encouraging you to breathe love in the moment of Now.
Love is a high frequency emotion that is void of regrets of the past and worries about the future.
Love exists in the Now. Therefore you can tap into love in every moment of Now.
Now quotes – This moment … quote by Rumi

What a paradox, so many of us are stressed out about not having enough time yet the higher truth is that time is an illusion. As Rumi said in this short inspirational quote, the moment of Now is all there is.
When we understand this higher truth and live in the Now, stress goes away and we are happier.
A powerful resource to help us to do that is a course titled Living in the Now
Now quotes – Confine yourself… quote by M. Aurelius

In this Power of Now quote, Marcus Aurelius is recommending us to live in the Now.
Therefore, stop replaying in your mind events of the past and worries about the future.
Harness the Power of Now by bringing thoughts of peace, love and joy to your mind.
Now quotes – Every goal… quote by Lao Tzu

"All you have is right now. Every goal is possible from here" ~Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu, in this Now quote, is telling us to focus in the thoughts and doings of the present moment.
Our goals in life are achieved through the energy we feed to them in thoughts and action, in every moment of Now.
"Every goal is possible from here", as Lao Tzu said. However, if you feel that your goals have been eluding you, you would greatly benefit from this Free 3 part class titled: Make Your Vision Your Life.
Check out the description of the very valuable Free 3 part amazing class: Make Your Vision Your Life
Now quotes – Living in the Present quote by Lao Tzu

Empty your mind from regrets about the past and worries about the future and you will find peace in the Now.
Some techniques that help us to empty our minds are: Deep breathing, focusing on the sensations of the body while breathing deeply and nature contemplation.
Closing paragraphs on Short Inspirational quotes
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For more short quotes, check out our post on Short Love quotes.